Islamic Republic of Pakistan love

Islamic Republic of Pakistan


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun The official name of Pakistan.


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  • The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a mere 63 years old, formed, in the midst of great bloodshed and the greatest mass migration in history, for India's Muslims. Main RSS Feed AlterNet Nisa Qazi 2010

  • The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a mere 63 years old, formed, in the midst of great bloodshed and the greatest mass migration in history, for India's Muslims. Main RSS Feed AlterNet Nisa Qazi 2010

  • This is an active insurgency whereby our ex-proxies are struggling to suck the soul out of the nation-state called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and then hold physical terrain from where they can affect their agenda.

    Gates of Vienna 2008

  • This is an active insurgency whereby our ex-proxies are struggling to suck the soul out of the nation-state called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and then hold physical terrain from where to affect their agenda.

    Pat Dollard | Young Americans 2008

  • Two days later, Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation for Journalists wrote to the President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to inquire about Shahzad's situation, urging the government to do "its utmost to bring an end to a very worrying and critical trend of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances that could turn into a broader crisis, especially if ISI is involved."

    Jean-François Julliard: 10 Years of Impunity Against Journalists in Pakistan Jean-François Julliard 2011

  • Two days later, Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation for Journalists wrote to the President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to inquire about Shahzad's situation, urging the government to do "its utmost to bring an end to a very worrying and critical trend of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances that could turn into a broader crisis, especially if ISI is involved."

    Jean-François Julliard: 10 Years of Impunity Against Journalists in Pakistan Jean-François Julliard 2011

  • Two days later, Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation for Journalists wrote to the President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to inquire about Shahzad's situation, urging the government to do "its utmost to bring an end to a very worrying and critical trend of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances that could turn into a broader crisis, especially if ISI is involved."

    Jean-François Julliard: 10 Years of Impunity Against Journalists in Pakistan Jean-François Julliard 2011

  • Taseer's death has unleashed the mad dogs of hell, inspiring the minority of fanatics to go to any lengths to destroy the democratic, secular and moderate Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

    John L. Esposito: Christians Under Siege: The Challenge Of Religious Pluralism In The Muslim World John L. Esposito 2011

  • Two days later, Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation for Journalists wrote to the President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to inquire about Shahzad's situation, urging the government to do "its utmost to bring an end to a very worrying and critical trend of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances that could turn into a broader crisis, especially if ISI is involved."

    Jean-François Julliard: 10 Years of Impunity Against Journalists in Pakistan Jean-François Julliard 2011

  • Two days later, Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation for Journalists wrote to the President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to inquire about Shahzad's situation, urging the government to do "its utmost to bring an end to a very worrying and critical trend of arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances that could turn into a broader crisis, especially if ISI is involved."

    Jean-François Julliard: 10 Years of Impunity Against Journalists in Pakistan Jean-François Julliard 2011


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